Save the Children's first annual End of Childhood Index compares the latest data for 172 countries and assesses where the most and fewest children are missing out on childhoods.
Read MoreThe conventional view of Africa is that it is poor. In truth, far more money flows out of Africa than is paid in aid.
Read MoreThis report by the Dutch NGO SOMO looks into the relationship between wages and working conditions of adult workers and the extent to which their children attend school or are engaged in paid/unpaid work.
Read MorePoetry and personal testimony by children trying to regularize their immigration status.
Read MoreAround the world today, 50 million children have migrated across borders or been forcibly displaced within their own countries. More than half – a shocking 28 million – have been uprooted by horrific conflicts.
Read MoreVincent Harding wrote that "the most authentic American dream is of a nation that does not yet exist, a transformed one whose complex richness we have occasionally sampled in harsh struggles for a new nation, one sometimes yearned for as “a more perfect union.”
Read MoreStakeholders in the movement to impose a financial transactions tax explain how it would work.
Read MoreThe Australian Government is choosing to subject women, men and children to an elaborate and cruel system of abuse with a policy that is intentionally designed to harm people, as highlighted in the new report issued by Amnesty International, leaving refugees to rot on the stony island of Nauru offshore. The local population abuses them with impunity, and authorities have ignored numerous cases of self-harm and assault of children.
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