KSH alumna Damaris Achieng counsels Esther in the Learning Center classroom
It doesn’t feel right to film children working in hazardous conditions, mining sand, breaking rocks, sorting fish or going down into a mine, and when the filming is over, saying thank you very much, see you later. So we didn’t.
Our KSH Graduates are often drawn to the Helping Professions
We signed them up and promised to cover their entire education - as far as they were willing to go. Quite a few of our KSH students have graduated from university.
What is The Kenyan Schoolhouse?
It is a 30-year-old program that provides direct aid to children and families in Kenya. The program removes children from hazardous and worst forms of child labor and protects them from exploitation, abuse, and trafficking.
Are my donations tax deductible?
Yes, your donations are 100% deductible.
how about transparency?
The IRS, the MV Bank and our Kenyan Partners audit the deposits annually. Media Voices has a Platinum rating for transparency on Guidestar.
Who are your Kenyan partners?
The African Network for the Prevention and Protection against Child Abuse and Neglect (ANPPCAN). Through the Regional Office in Nairobi.
Who manages the funds in Kenya?
Sophie Omutanyi, the Chief Child Protection Officer at ANPPCAN. We have worked with ANPPCAN for 30 years and assisted thousands of children.
Where and how do I make donations?
You can donate at There are instructions for donating by mail or wire transfer and you can also donate online by clicking our campaign site.
What payment methods are accepted?
The site takes every form of payment, including Venmo, Paypal, Mastercard, and Visa.
How can I see what has happened with my donations?
We post updates 3 times a week at our campaign site where you can also make donations.