Sweat & Toil 2018 Findings on the Worst Forms of Child Labor
Exploitative child labor is inexcusable—it robs children of their childhoods, restricts their ability to attend school, and undermines the efforts of governments and employers that play by the rules. Not only are these outcomes unacceptable for children, but workers in the United States and in other countries should not have to compete with unscrupulous producers who use child labor or forced labor. These reprehensible practices undercut the higher standards we maintain and that are needed to safeguard the well-being of our workforce here at home and to protect vulnerable children and their families from exploitation in countries around the world.
The Department’s Findings on the Worst Forms of Child Labor assesses government efforts to eliminate child labor in 131 countries and territories. More importantly, it provides concrete recommendations on areas where additional efforts are needed in order to make meaningful progress, including in labor and criminal law enforcement.
Patrick Pizelle, Acting Secretary of Labor, September 2019
To download the full 2018 Findings on the Worst Forms of Child Labor, click here